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I'm not one of those guys who is going to address you as sir and I'm not going to claim to be the most intelligent man ever, but I do think that being a, let's get it out now, straight male porn star is something that I want to do! I'm driven by my love of the female body and sex. When I read about your woodsmen I felt like, "hey that is exactly what I want out my life." Pure and simple i believe I have one shot at life and want to do everything I can, within reason, to elevate my life and truly love it. If I'm being honest, as I'm writing this message I'm almost positive you won't read it and I even won't get an email back but it doesn't hurt to try and see if I can get any advice at all. It isn't even about earning money, I can do that easily. It is about meeting gorgeous women, who love sex and want to share their bodies and sexual intimacy with a good looking, smart, kind man who will appreciate their bodies like a work of art. This is probably the most honest, candid thing I have ever written to another person. Still thinking you won't read this or reply but just maybe you're still reading. I have an above average size penis and workout regularly, but I'm no muscle head, douchebag, I like feeling good and looking good, I'm white, 6ft even, 185 again in good shape, lots of upper tattoos (I'm very Proud of them: chest piece, rib piece, right arm sleeve and left arm sleeve and also award winning). Let's make a deal, you read this, write me back if you like what I have to say and I will send some pictures. Anyhow, I know a lot of men claim to be "good" at sex, whatever that means? I think being a good sexual partner, serious/casual, is genuine caring for the your sexual partner's overall pleasure just as much as your own. In my experience, that alone can make sex epically better for both.I feel that paradigm is applicable for casual sex. When you're in the moment and want to pleasure your sexual partner, sex is just downright better! I stand by that. In fact, I have been told by past partners, casual/serious, that I was the most in the moment lover they had been with and how close it made them feel to me and how it made them feel comfortable but mostly importantly enjoyable - best compliment to be paid. It never gets old to hear you're good at sex, ever! If I'm going to be completely honest, I masterbate a lot. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Sex is my favorite part of being human and there are not many things I enjoy about being human in the present day world I live in. Oh yeah and I'm 28. Quick facts only separated by commas: I was in the us navy, I love the outdoors, I love love love women who naturally and simply beautiful, I have no specific racial preference in women, I think all types of women can be appealing, I'm a bartender, I have a bachelors degree, I love music, art, reading, crime dramas, Hunter Thompson, tattoos, baseball, rain, my best friend is and always will be my brother and most of all love women! I really hope you read this and reply with some advice for a guy like me to break into the porn industry and be a true woodsmen!


Ps if you read this thank you, if your replied thanks a million and if nothing else I think it was quite nice to be this honest about something outside my mind. Oh yeah I wrote this on my phone, laptop died the other day sad face, so sorry if spelling/grammar isn't great.


I know that you are only a journalist. I am also aware that you know quite a bit about the porn industry. I am young and eventually want to get into the porn bussiness and I feel that you can help me with that, I figured since you're well educated in all that topic. I've read a few of your articles and i'm impressed and convinced that you will be able to help or guide me. I am also very serious about this, to me sex is passionate and more than just sex. Its love making, I love being with women, holding them, getting along with them and just talking with them. In my opinion sex is an art and something I have yet to perfect. To me, women are amazing, fun, and unique human beings. With your knowledge, what advice can you give me or tips in order to get one step closer? Again I'm aware you're a journalist and there's not much you can do besides give me advice. Anything will help. I mainly want to know how to get started or how to get there, or even how to come in contact with people in the bussiness, if that's possible.... please, if you can write back, it would help lots.

-thank you <3